Monday, August 17, 2009

I figured I better make a post before I head off to bed. Since this is only my third day of having a blog I don't want to get behind already! Today was an interesting day...I had my 8 week post pardum appointment. The questions they asked me made me laugh... such as: "Have you been feeling irritable?" Answer: "Yes"...."have you been crying and feeling blue" Answer: "Yes"..."Have you been fatigued?" Answer: "Yes".... Diagnosis....Yep you had a baby alright! Your normal.

Who knew that pregnancy, labor, and a new baby could change your life and your body so much. I asked the doctor when my body would be back to normal and her response with a smile was "It can take awhile." I figure what she meant was "NEVER." I didn't bother asking her when life would be back to normal because I'm quite certain her answer would be NEVER. And that is okay with me. I love my new family. Take a peek into life at the Brownlee's....

Well off to bed I go...that sweet baby boy will be up soon wanting his mommy. Goodnight!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE your background...and I love the FB badge idea..I gotta add that--fun! :)
